TikToker Gloria Ntazola has cautioned men against boasting about their past encounters with her.
Gloria believes that once a relationship ends, it’s best to accept it and move on. She questioned, “What’s the point in telling people you slept with someone? You’re tarnishing their reputation. Given the chance, I wouldn’t have been with you; I wasn’t thinking clearly back then. We’re not married, so why take it personally? I’m not an ex; I’m just someone you shared a good time with. Chill out and find something productive to do,” she advised.
She also addressed comments about her fashion choices, asserting that her style is her own decision. “To those asking, ‘Why does Ntazola wear revealing clothes at her age?’ I’m not a child. Buy your own clothes and dress how you want. Stop telling me what to wear. People are already stressed; do you want to add to that? Those who prefer long, ‘decent’ clothing often lack morals. Let everyone dress as they please.”
Additionally, Gloria advised against seeking financial contributions for wedding planning, suggesting that couples should register their marriage at the Attorney General’s office instead. “Go to the AG, register your marriage, and get hitched. Is it necessary to have an extravagant wedding? Work hard and fund your own wedding. If someone wants to pursue a master’s degree, that makes sense because education is important. Live within your means,” she stated.