“Daima Mimi Mkenya” singer Eric Wainaina honored those who died during the anti-government protests at the Shujaaz concert held yesterday at Uhuru Park Garden.
When asked by Kiss100 about the significance of remembering those who lost their lives in the protests, he responded:
“You know, for the Holocaust memorial, people stand in the streets in parts of the US reading all 6 million Jews who died,” Eric said.
“In the post-election violence, we were told the figure was 1,331, but it’s just a number. We will never stand there and say their names, so it’s important for us to be here commemorating the lives of the people we lost and also saying their names.”
Eric stressed that honoring those who died makes the event more meaningful than just a statistic, allowing us to remember them for who they were and the sacrifices they made for our country.
When asked about the enduring popularity of his song “Daima Mimi Mkenya,” he expressed pride, noting its role as a unifying revolutionary anthem during times of need in Kenya, making the country a beautiful place to be.
He also praised other revolutionary songs and encouraged Gen Z to maintain their spirited activism.
He shared that the most surprising thing about the Gen Z movement is their fearlessness and willingness to speak out against injustices.
“Gen Z are fearless, they are tribeless. They are one tribe in the economy, their tribe is fairness and challenging governance, and that is the coolest thing. I didn’t see it coming, and I have no idea where it is going, but I am really thrilled by that,” Eric said.
Eric noted that the protests have inspired other countries to seek their own freedom from poor governance.
He extended his condolences to families who lost loved ones, encouraging them to find strength and have faith that justice will prevail.
“What can you say to anyone who has lost their loved ones? I can’t imagine how it would be if it was me. So, I think all we can say is we wish them strength and grace, and that the struggle of their loved ones will not be in vain,” Wainaina said.